Visio App has got a BPMN stencil under the flow chart category since Visio 2013.
Seqeunce flows BPMN are default flows and conditional flows. This video explains to you the usage of the sequence flow in a BPMN model through a Visio Practical
Seqeunce flows BPMN are default flows and conditional flows. This video explains to you the usage of the sequence flow in a BPMN model through a Visio Practical
Few Points to Remember about BPMN
- BPMN is the popular and most extensive notation set to model business processes
- BPMN elements are Flow Objects, Connecting Objects, Data, SwimaLand and Artefacta
- BPMN was pioneered by BPMI now BPMN is an OMG (Object Management Group ) Standard
- Pega, IBM Modeller, Bizagi Modeller , Oracle BPM Suite are popular and specialist and powerful BPM Softwares
- Visio which is a general purpose modelling software is used by many Business Analyst to prepare BPMN models.