Reason Number 1 - Business Analysis can be done from anywhere including home
Now it is very common that Business Analysts can take up remote Requirement elicitation sessions using Gotowebinar, Skype etc even from home. So you don't have be in the office to complete your project business analysis at un godly hours
Reason Number 2- You normally engage with the clients during Business Hours only
It is not uncommon for IT companies in India to work on weekend or on off business hours. However most of the clients who belong to the developed world follow a timetable and make themselves available during office hours and workdays only.
Reason Number 3- You are responsible for your own output with less dependence on team
A Business analyst job on an IT project requires input and collaboration from your other stake holders. However you are not overtly dependent on others, except the client who has the high stake in timely completion of the project.
Reason Number 4: No crazy work hours which software development teams have to follow during releases
Software releases are known for their crazy work hours , you may get affected but if you are a business analyst you may not be needed all the time in those last 3-4 weeks
Reason Number 5: You are naturally designed to be a superior Business Analyst with empathy towards the clients
As a women empathy is your basic instinct. BA skills are some times not enough for the project, its empathy and your willingness to go an extra mile helps.