Preparing Stakeholder Map in MS Excel
As an IT business Analyst when you start your Business Analysis activity you identify all the stake holders of the project. You can prepare a stakeholder map at this sgtage.
Let us learn how to prepare a Stakeholder Map in Microsoft Excel. Before we take up the exercise some salient points about stakeholder maps
- Stakeholder map is a visual snapshot of the stake holders of the project.
- Stakeholder map is one of the first outputs produced by a Business Analyst while he is working on a project. For other outputs CHECK THIS OUT
- Stakeholder map is useful when there are a large no of stakeholders on a project, from whom you have to elicit requirements
- A stakeholder map of a project is a can be shared with stakeholders and published on your project intranet
- You should share the stake holder map with your super bosses as well. Say in a e-mail. (So you will not be out of sight )
Exercise : As a Business analyst you are working on "Bazooka Project" . Bazooka project is an ERP implementation at a client. The client has organised its business in 3 Business Units : Corporate, Business and Marketing. Business Units have Departments and Departments have stakeholder representatives from whom you will elicit requirements.
Bazooka : BUs, BUs have Departments, Departments have Stakeholder Reps